Not much to report this week. Mainly carrying on with work from last week, which is going well. Got some new glasses, which makes a sweet change from the falling-apart-every-5-minutes pair I was wearing last week! Also, strange but good news: apparently I hit 200 followers on Reverbnation. I haven't even been on there for a looooong time! I also hit their Top 10 Charts for my genre in my area, which is awesome but also makes me realise I gotta get back to making my own tunes again soon. Many thanks to everyone for supporting me though! It really means a lot to know people are listening out there :D
Not sure what next week holds in store. I guess we'll wait and see! Most likely carrying on from this/last weeks projects + sorting out some other stuff. Until next week, take care, and many thanks for supporting JabunAudio.
Another unexpectedly busy time this week. Let's get to the news! Firstly, some great news on the Tales of Zale front. As well as being generally well received, the project was awarded the Daily 2nd Place, and Weekly 3rd Place medals on Newgrounds, which is really really awesome. Thanks so much to everyone who's supported the project so far and other projects I've been involved in. If you've yet to check it out, feel free to watch Tales of Zale Episode 1 below, and check out Hikarian's other animations on YouTube too. In other news, this week I've been busy working on another Fun Station 4 Kidz project. We've plans to release a new dinosaur song, which I composed the instrumental for this week, and there's also the new 3 Little Raptors story which is pretty far along in the pipeline. No spoilers or ETAs at the moment, and Mr T-Rex (the animator) is busy with other work at the moment, but we hope to have one of the new animations soon. Until then, feel free to check out the other Fun Station 4 Kidz animations on YouTube, and the latest 3 Little Raptors story below. Not sure what's happening next week. Possibility of more Dino stuff? Maybe something else? The mysteries remain vast! But anyway, whatever happens, I'll be posting it up next Saturday. Until next week, take care everyone!
To my great surprise, this week has been very eventful at JabunAudio! There's much news to tell and media to share so I'll get right to it! Here's an early update! Firstly, this week has been the first time in MONTHS that I'd had some spare time to work on composition commissions, so this week, I took some time to compose the Victory and Game Over themes for the A P O T H E O S I S game by Lars Warink. This completes all the pieces necessary for a fully functional demo of the game, which I'm very excited to see having played and beta tested some of the game so far. No ETA on when a demo is expected, but hopefully in the not too distant future, and I'll keep you updated. Music-wise, all that's left for me to compose are the Level 2 & 3 themes, the Final Boss Fight, and the credits music, but these can wait until after the demo's out. I've only got the brief for the final boss fight anyways, so that's the only one I can work on at the moment, but it's no rush. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the sounds of success and failure presented to you below and feel free to follow the game's development using the links in the SoundCloud descriptions. Onto animation news, Tales of Zale by Hikarian was released on Newgrounds this week and can be viewed, reviewed, and rated HERE. Additionally, Ryan Stunkel, one of the sound designers / foley artists for Tales of Zale, made this Sound Design Commentary video with the other sound designer / foley artist, Mackubin Owens. I was invited to participate but unfortunately wasn't able to attend due to equipment troubles, but hopefully I'll be there for the next episode. Nevertheless it's a fun and interesting look into the Sound Design behind this animation as well as foley work in general and a good watch if you're interested in any of those things. Feel free to check it out below: Lastly in the main news for this week, I'm proud to introduce Sif Perlt Savery to the JabunAudio Partners page. It was great to work closely with her on Tales of Zale Episode 1 and I look forward to working with her again in future projects. The JabunAudio Partners page is still under construction and missing some key players, but I hope to get it up to date soon.
That's it for this week. What's lined up for the future? Well there's still the latest Dinosaur animation from Fun Station 4 Kidz, but I'm not sure when I'll be asked to start on that, and Tales of Zale Episode 2 has a soft release date of August 2015 so I won't be doing much with that until Summer . Now that my commission work's in order, I aim to start work on my own music again, both Jabun and Better Than The Book. I hope to be releasing an EP later this year for each of them so I best get started! Soo excited to be working on it again! It's been waay to long! I keep on saying "There may not be an update next week" and yet there always seems to be something to say, so I'll just leave the fates to do whatever. There won't be an update this Saturday since I'm away for a Valentine's Day weekend (Yay), so the next update will likely be on Saturday 21st. What'll happen in the mean time? I have no idea, but until then, keep having fun and thank you for supporting JabunAudio and my projects. Take care! Those of you working in or following the web animation industry will probably have heard the tragic news regarding Monty Oum's passing last week due to an allergic reaction at age 33. Oum was an amazing animator, screenwriter and voice actor, notably working with Rooster Teeth on animations such as Red vs. Blue and more recently RWBY for which he was the creator and lead animator. Oum's animations have been of great inspiration to me in recent years, especially RWBY, for which I am a big fan and have been following since the first teasers back in 2012. RWBY was my reference material for cinematic web animations, and set a benchmark for quality and elegance that I strove for in my work. It saddens me deeply that someone who could bring so much beauty and joy to the world has been taken from it so suddenly, and my heart goes out to his family, friends, and the countless people around the world who look up to him. Below is a tribute video by his colleagues and friends at Rooster Teeth. To Monty Oum, thank you so much for brightening my days, bringing me inspiration, and giving life to such a wonderful animated world. On behalf of countless people around the world, we'll miss you deeply. There's no Jabun Audio news update this week, and might not be for a little while due to things currently happening my personal life. I hope to be posting updates as soon as I can though. Next week's update (if there is one) will likely be on Thursday. Until next time, take care, World.
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