Hello everyone and hope you've had a good couple of weeks. It's been a pretty hectic time for me as since the last blog post, I've spent almost an entire week in bed due to illness. Long story short, trying to record many hours of vocals a day despite having spells of hay fever, and probably not drinking enough was not my greatest idea, and I think I pushed my body over the edge. As the saying goes, I should have checked myself before I wrecked myself and by pushing through and not resting, I inevitably delayed my work by much more than I should have. Lesson learnt: don't push myself too far. Despite the illness though, there's still much to tell from the past 2 weeks, so let's get started on the JabunAudio news.
Firstly, some updates on the Better Than The Book album. As I mentioned previously, May was supposed to be the month to complete vocal recording, but due to hay fever I wasn't sure whether that was going to happen. Of course after getting ill, that's pretty much killed the target of getting vocals completed this month, so I'm taking it easy and pushing that deadline to the end of June. As it stands while I write this, 3 tracks are complete with another mostly there (just need to comp the verses), and I'm aiming to have 5 tracks completed (not including gang vocals) before downtime starts on Friday (more on that in a second). We'll see how it all goes, and I'll keep you updated with what's going on. While we're on the topic of Better Than The Book, last week was mental health awareness week, and having had my experience with the subject, I have a tradition of writing a post on Facebook each year as BTTB which has served as an outlet for my mental health problems since the start. If you're up for a read with some uncharacteristically colourful language for me, then feel free to check it out on the Better Than The Book Facebook page. I hope you get something out of it, and as always, if you're facing issues of your own, don't be afraid to speak up. Much love to you all. Next on the news this week, some updates coinciding with the new EU GDPR laws. To comply with the new regulations with regards data protection and privacy, JabunAudio, as well as JabunMusic and Better Than The Book, have all updated their policies on the matter with clear details of what data is collected from you and how they use that data. You can find a link to the updated Terms of Use, Data Protection & Privacy Policy in the footer on every page of the websites (side of the page for the blog). https://www.jabunaudio.com/terms-and-data-protection.html In essence, not much has changed in terms of how you can use the JabunAudio services, it's just that all the details are available to you to see clearly now, and that I'm doing some extra work behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly. I take the security of my fans, clients and their data seriously and aim to be as transparent as possible with them, so if you require any additional information or have any queries, please message me and I'll do my best to help. As always, JabunAudio will only use any details you give to fulfil the services you request and does not share any data you give with any 3rd parties. Another term of GDPR compliance is that I'm now required to have traceable and explicit consents for sign-ups to the various mailing lists, so I've sent an email to my various subscribers to confirm their subscriptions. Unfortunately if you don't consent by May 25th (when the law is fully enforced), I'm required to delete your email from the current mailing list, so if you'd like to keep hearing from me please take action by following the instructions in the message. I hope you decide to stay in touch and look forward to bringing you more news and music soon! Next this week, following the new JabunAudio.com website last month, I now have a new email address [email protected]! Looks professional, right? I'm still in a transitional period updating the links on this website, but this email will be the one sending out the new JabunAudio newsletter when it's launched, and will be used to reply to any correspondence via this website's contact form. Of course, for those of you who are used to using my usual [email protected] email (or even one of my other emails), you'll still be able to keep in contact with me using those ones, as I have no plans to stop using them. Speaking of the JabunAudio newsletter, due to the new GDPR laws, I've decided to delay the launch of the "JabunAudio Monthly Music Production Email" until after GDPR goes into effect on May 25th. For those of you who choose to subscribe, in the first week of each month I’ll be sending directly to your inbox articles, discussion and tips to help you make better productions and music without having to break the bank. Having read a ton of them myself, I know there are already lots of articles for learning music production out there so I’ll only be sharing advice and tips which have helped me personally and I’ve not seen anywhere else. Topics will focus on mastering, my favourite genres of ska punk & pop punk, as well as advice that can be applied to all styles and the occasional tangent. If you have a request for something you’d like discussed feel to send me a message and I’ll see if I can muster up something to share in the following months! I'm aiming to launch in the first week of June, commencing with a free downloadable report "10 Essential Things To Do Before You Send Your Music For Mastering and WHY" with the usual email article starting in July. I hope you're as excited as I am, and I look forward to sharing all this musical knowledge with you soon. Finally this week, just some notifications of downtime over the next few weeks. It's a busy few weeks for me due to various family gatherings including big milestone birthdays and a wedding, and so from May 25th through to June 12th, I'll be mostly away from the studio. I'll be in for a few days each week so I'll get to messages when I can, but please bear with me if I'm unable to fulfil your requests right away. The usual schedule will commence on June 12th. Because of this downtime, there will be no blog post next week on May 31st, but I'm still hoping to write one for June 7th, to launch the JabunAudio newsletter and set some new goals for the month. Hope you don't miss me too much and I look forward to sharing what I've been up to next time. That about wraps things up for this week. I'm not here for most of next week, so I'm aiming to finish up another couple of BTTB vocal tracks before I head off, then we'll see where the wind takes me until the next blog post. Until then, I hope you all have a great few weeks whatever you get up to and thanks as always for supporting JabunAudio and my various projects. Take care and see you again in a few weeks!
Hello everyone and hope you've had a great week since the last blog post. It's been a busy week for me sorting out stuff for the upcoming JabunAudio newsletter, putting together the latest mastering demo reel (more on that in a moment), interacting with the online community more and meeting some great like-minded individuals around the world, and with my hay fever finally cleared up, recording vocals for the new Better Than The Book album! A fair few things to share and celebrate this week, so let's start with some BTTB news.
As mentioned previously, after a few week's delay due to holiday and hay fever I finally made a start on vocals for the upcoming Better Than The Book album on Tuesday! Not much else to report on that, but for now it's going well and I'm aiming to get 3 tracks finished by the end of this week, and all the lead and backing (maybe not gang) vocals sorted by the 25th, which'll be a tricky target. I'll keep you updated on how things go. It's certainly great to be in front of the mic again though! Next this week a big celebration as last Friday (May 4th), my debut album as Jabun "Daydream" celebrated its 1st anniversary! It seems like ages ago since I released this, but listening back I'm still very proud of how it turned out and the attention it receive via various re-post on YouTube and interview features. While I'm very excited to be working on Better Than The Book at the moment, I look forward to getting back to Jabun for a chill break at some point and sending some atmospheric vibes your way! If you've yet to hear Daydream, feel free to listen below (be sure to start from the beginning), and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it! Lastly this week, I finally got around to putting together a mastering demo reel for 2018. This time it's comprised of all the covers I recorded at the end of last year, and as usual for each pair of clips, the first is the final mix before mastering, and the second is the final master as delivered. You can find all the previous demo reels on the front page of this site or on SoundCloud here, and as usual, it's freely downloadable for your reference. I hope you enjoy it, and feel free to message me if you like what you hear and are in need of some mastering today. I look forward to working with you. That's about it for this week. Next week looks to be more Better Than The Book vocals and doing the final preparations for launching the JabunAudio newsletter. I still need to finish off the Patreon page too, though that feels a little further from completion so I'm concentrating on the closer / more urgent goals at the moment. As usual, I'll keep you updated as to any developments. Anyways, I hope you have a great week whatever you get up to and as always thanks for supporting JabunAudio and my various music projects. See you in the next blog post and take care until them. Hello everyone! It's good to be back at JabunAudio and I hope you had a great few weeks since the last blog post (and didn't miss me too much). My last two weeks have been super busy and filled with adventures in my hometown including much overindulgence in delicious food, checking out and catching up with all the usual haunts and people, randomly meeting and being invited into the house of a veteran guitar luthier (and playing a LOVELY £2k archtop jazz guitar he built), and seeing the local midnight premier for Avengers: Infinity War (No spoilers in the comments below please)!
The only downside to the holiday was picking up some horrendous hay fever which I'm still suffering from (not quite as badly, but it's definitely not welcome) and puts a major spanner in what were my plans for May (more on that in a moment). Having only been back in the area for 2 days (mainly running non-audio related errands and sniffling a lot), there's really not much to report in terms of news for JabunAudio for this week, but I thought I'd take this blog post to reflect on last months goals, set some new ones for May, and inform you of some more scheduled downtime over the next few months. Without further wait, let's get started! So first of all, let's check out those goals from April and see how I did: 1) Finish recording bass for the new BTTB album 2) Update the JabunAudio website 3) Do my yearly tax return 4) Set up a Patreon for my music Now bear in mind that I was actually away for over a third of April so as stated at the beginning of last month, I thought this may be a bit ambitious. Looking back though, I think I got most of it sorted. Bass recording for the new BTTB album is all done, as is my tax return. I also got most of JabunAudio web updates sorted including the custom domain, some edits to various pages and getting some testimonials sorted too. The only thing left for the website (apart from waiting on a few more testimonials) is sorting out the custom email sub-domain which was delayed due to an error and waiting on refunds at the end of last month, but I think we can pretty much count that goal as done and set a follow-up one this month instead. The Patreon page is well on the way to completion too, but I ran out of time at the end of the month to finish and launch it. That'll be a goal carrying on to this month. So here's where the hay fever has really put me in an difficult position. I had planned to record all the vocals for the new BTTB album in May, but that's just not possible (well possible to sound as good as I can) at the moment. I also need to make an intro video for the Patreon page, but I'd like to sound and look my best for it too. Since it's cleared a little bit (without medication) since I returned to the studio, I'm hoping this spell will be short lived and I can get back to using my voice properly next week, but there's no guarantee so we'll see how things play out. With that disclaimer aside, here are the goals I'd like to achieve over the next month: 1) Launch a JabunAudio monthly newsletter (this includes various sub goals I need to sort out) 2) Launch the Patreon page 3) Release a 2018 Mastering Demo Reel 4) Get more involved in the online audio community (Facebook groups & Newgrounds, etc...) 5) Finish recording (Vocals) for the new BTTB album. (Vocals is the hope but if things aren't looking great at the beginning of next week I'll look into working on lead guitar / solos or something else instead) A bigger list than usual this month and with the hay fever and other things, this will certainly be a challenge. Better to aim high though and let's see how I do and reflect accordingly in a month's time! Any goals you're setting for yourself this month? Feel free to leave it in the comments so we can keep each other accountable. Best of luck! Finally this week, just a little notification of some more upcoming downtime. It's a busy few months in terms of family festivities and I will be away again from May 25th to May 30th as well as June 7th to Jun 12th for various big birthdays and weddings. Should be fun, though I apologies in advance for any inconvenience caused. That's all for this week and hopefully there'll be some more exciting stuff to share next week. With my running nose and sneezing, I'll be focusing on admin work again for the next few days but we'll see how I feel for recording next week. I hope you have a great week whatever you're up to and thanks as always for supporting JabunAudio and my various projects. See you in the next post, and take care! |
JabunAudio NewsNick Standing; Better Than The Book; Jabun!
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January 2025
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