Announcing Jabun's 4th album Tides, a live performed ambient journey + the pre-release single Mariana! Pre-orders are now open + lots of Patreon rewards are out to celebrate (Downloads and Early Access)!
Hi everyone and hope you're having a great April so far! Would you believe that today marks exactly 1 year since the release of Generation Supernova and 2 years since the recording of 15-4-20, and so it seems like a great time to finally announce my next ambient and experimental Jabun album - Tides! Tides is a 70+ minute collection of 9 ambient and experimental live performances, together telling the tale of a fateful voyage at sea. The album begins by setting sail from The Beach at night and riding the rhythmic Waves, before being encountered by beckoning Sirens and lured into a terrible storm. Following The Storm, floating among the wreckage, you have nightmares of Ghosts, the other souls taken from the living world by the waters, but you survive only to wake up to despair, realising you are Lost At Sea. With no hope or strength left, you feel the Gravity of the situation, both figuratively and literally, as you’re pulled below the surface to meet the same fate. But with the sorrow comes a sense of acceptance, as below the waves you find a world much calmer than the one you endured among them. You sink peacefully to your final resting place, the deepest depths of the vast ocean: Mariana. Each track from Tides was performed live and recorded as a single take during 2021 with only the lightest of further processing to bring the album together in mastering. Included in the album is a bonus track, Inner Space, which while initially recorded live was slowed down post recording and further processed in a similar way to the semi-live 15-4-20 album. It provides an ambient epilogue to the album, a modular synth soundscape representing the deep and vast Inner Space that is the ocean. The tracklist is as follows: Jabun – Tides 01 The Beach 02 Waves 03 Sirens 04 The Storm 05 Ghosts 06 Lost At Sea 07 Gravity 08 Mariana --- 09 Inner Space (Bonus) To my ears, Tides is undoubtedly my most experimental album yet, with much of it more like soundscapes than actual melodic music. Despite the extended length, I decided to include the full performance for every track, as a captured moment in time, rather than a premeditated composition on a studio album. Similarly, I wanted to keep editing to a minimum, with only minor adjustments, and the mastering really just to balance the tracks against each other (and my previous discography) and add a little bit of sheen. Whether you sit down to listen intently, have it on in the background while doing something else, or simply immerse yourself in the sounds, I hope you enjoy these uncut live ambient experimental performances, a collection of meditative moments from another strange year of restrictions and lockdowns. Tides releases in full on May 6th 2022 but today I'm launching pre-orders and the pre-release single Mariana on Bandcamp where you can read more about the album's backstory, track details (including equipment used and recording dates) and explore the full album credits and special thanks (You can also listen on YouTube and Newgrounds): Pre-order Jabun's Tides album on Bandcamp:
Listen to Mariana on Newgrounds: Of course, all of my supporters on Patreon are receiving downloads for the album art and Mariana (Mp3) today, and if you're a $10 patron, you also have exclusive early access to the full Tides album and artwork package as well, right now 3 weeks before release time! If that sounds good to you, feel free to join me over on Patreon and remember you'll gain access to all past rewards for your tier too including my full backcatalog discography uploaded so far (including many Patreon exclusive downloads and bonus tracks) as soon as you sign up! Find out more below: $10 Rewards: $1 Rewards: Reward Archives: Find out more: And a huge thanks goes to all patrons past and present who keep my music going each month with special mention to the current $10+ patrons: Nathan Puray, and Michael White! Thank you all so much for your help and support in making these dreams a reality! You folks are amazing! That about wraps things up for this post! The next post and set of Patreon rewards will coincide with the album release on May 6th which will include the usual monthly updates and $10 DEMOlition Pigeon reward too. I'll also be announcing a live premiered listening party for the Tides album if you want to come and join for chats and discussions on YouTube while listening to Tides to celebrate the release! Until then, I hope you enjoy the new music and have a great month ahead, and thanks as always for supporting my music however you can! Take care and all the best!
Hi everyone and hope you had a good March! As another month starts (no April Fool's jokes this time btw), another set of Patreon rewards arrives, and despite the main reward being another EP, it's going to be a stripped down rewards post this time as it's mostly the same as last time (sort-of). More updates to share too, though let's start with your reward EP!
This month I'm sharing with you the instrumental version of last month's EP, a 5 track collection of blink182 covers called "5 Tracks, 4 Years, 3 Piece Band, 2 Of Us, 1 Leap [Instrumentals]". It's an instrumental version of a present I gave to Eva on our 4th anniversary, and although there is much to say, it's pretty much a repeat of last month so feel free to read all about it in last month's post: The tracklist is as follows: 01 First Date [Instrumental] 02 M+M's [Instrumental] 03 Wasting Time [Instrumental] 04 Eva [Josie] [Instrumental] 05 All The Small Things [Instrumental] All Patreon supporters will be receiving an exclusive download of the EP (including music and artwork) this month, and if you're a $10+ patron, you also have an exclusive sneak peek at the final artwork for Jabun's 4th album to look forward to! If that sounds good to you then join me on Patreon to read more and download the rewards below as well as check out all of this month's project updates in full. Remember you'll be receiving all past rewards for your tier too when you sign up so check out the archives to see everything you can catch up on and hope to see you there! $1 Rewards: $10 Rewards: Reward Archives: Find out more: Onto this month's updates, I've been busy playing cello again for World Beyond as well as fixing up that Leslie rotary speaker I'm currently building, which is now fully working electronically and just needs to be put into a proper wooden box and finished (it's sounding amazing btw)! The BIG news for this month however is that that Jabun's 4th album is finally complete, and I've been super busy over the past few weeks preparing for its release, completing all the admin work, sorting out album streams and promo plans, uploading to stores etc... It's now only a few weeks until the album will be formally announced along with a prerelease single and pre-orders opening, and [NAME REDACTED] is set for release [DATE REDACTED]! The dates are concrete now so I've just got to make sure I can keep up with all the pre-release preparations! Wish me luck, it's going to be a busy month ahead! Finally this week, it's time to set and reflect on some more goals! Here's what I set for March: 1) Finish master WAVs + Mp3s / Flacs for Jabuns new album 2) Get the Leslie Tremolo Unit fully working electronically and mechanically. And a pretty successful month if I do say so myself as things went above and beyond these goals. Both were completed as previously mentioned, but I got SO much more sorted for Jabun's new album too! Worldwide distribution has now been approved on iTunes, Spotify, etc... and it's really just the YouTube and Newgrounds streams to sort and check, the Bandcamp page to finish, a little bit of promo artwork to make (website banners etc...), and the Patreon rewards to sort out. The Leslie's also doing well too, I really just need to go get the wood for it and start the construction work (it's mostly designed now too). With those goals set, and it being this time of year, here's what I'll be setting for next month: 1) Do my taxes 2) Renew the website, etc.... 3) Finish preperations and launch pre-orders for Jabun's 4th album 4) Build the Leslie speaker into a functional cabinet All those goals seem pretty self-explainatory, though it's going to be a challenge fitting it all in. For the Leslie, while I do hope to make it pretty with indicator LEDs on the footswitch and a tolex cover with a grillcloth front panel at some point, I'm only going to be aiming this month to get the structural and functional woodwork done. Aethetics and bonus bits can wait until later, but if there's time for it then that'll be fun too! Anyways, wish me luck. It's going to be a hectic month ahead and I hope you have a productive month too! And that about wraps things up for this post! More rewards will be coming sooner than usual to coincide with the announcment for the new album in a few weeks, so I hope you're looking forward to that and are excited to hear what I've been up to. Until then, thanks as always for supporting my projects, and all the best, take care and enjoy the music! |
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