It's been a busy week updating the website before I head away for a few days on Friday + I had an amazing weekend! Lots to show and share so lets get to it :D Firstly, I've completed 3 new webpages and added them to the site:
On top of that, I've updated the JabunAudio services list document to contain updated information and prices for mastering and post-production, as well as for my other services such as music composition and arrangement, session playing and music mixing: ![]()
I aim to add new detailed web pages for these other services in the future, though it may be a little while until I have time to do so. In the mean time, I hope you find all the new information useful and please feel free to provide feedback on the new pages by messaging me or leaving a comment. Many thanks :D
Back to last weekend, I had an amazing Saturday visiting The London MCM Comic Con. Many incredible cosplayers as usual and lots of cool things to see and do! The new Nintendo game Splatoon had a pre-release demo booth which was awesome fun to watch, though I was too late in the end to have a go (I ended up being the next person in the queue before they had to close for the day. DANG!). The highlight of the day however was meeting one of my voice-over heroes, Hynden Walch, most known these days for her roles as Starfire from Teen Titans (Go) and Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time, both shows I am a huge fan of. It was wonderful to meet her and chat and she even gave me some friendly advice and encouragement on taking the next steps to getting into that level of the audio post-production industry. It was great motivation boost, and in her words (paraphrased), I hope we see each other in post-production soon. Gotta keep working towards that dream :D That's it for this half-week. Heading off soon, but I shall be back in time for a usual Saturday update on the 6th. The current plan is to start recording for the new Better Than The Book Album when I return so exciting times are on the horizon. Until then though, thanks for supporting JabunAudio and I hope you have a good week. Take care!
It's been a quite admin heavy week getting everything in order before I go away at the end of the month, so there's not much to report on the audio front. I've done some minor updates to information on the website and hope to have the Mastering page finished before I go. See if you can spot any of the changes :D
A little more lyrical progress on Better Than The Book this week too. The current situation is that there are 5 tracks lyrically finished, 3 tracks about half-done and 1 more short track which is still in the ideas stage. I should be able to knuckle down and get some more stuff done before next week's update methinks! It's still definitely on target for release before the end of the year! One last completely unrelated thing, but I wanted to share it anyway: I had the great opportunity to play on the rare limited edition Moog Sub 37 this week, and it was GLORIOUS!!! Possibly the best synth I've ever played! Such a great balance of modern and vintage style. Lovely! (WANT!) That's it for this week. There is other news floating around, but it's still ideas rather than solid stuff at the moment, so it doesn't feel like the right time to share it yet (we shall see). Next update will be on Thursday 28th, then I should be back to the usual Saturday routine in June. Until then, thanks for supporting JabunAudio and have a good week! Not a very busy week client work-wise, but as usual there is much to show and share, this time some BIG things! Let's get started! Firstly, after a disappointing crowd-funding turn out for our Dinosaur Sharing Song/Animation/Book, Fun Station 4 Kids is back in high spirits this week to celebrate two incredible milestones on our YouTube Channel. The first was for "The 3 Little Raptors and the Big Bad Rex" which surpassed 1 MILLION views at the beginning of the week! This marks a very special achievement for me as it's the first animation I've done the audio post-production for to exceed 1,000,000 views. A very nice feeling! The second milestone was for Fun Station 4 Kids' oldest video, "The Dinosaur Alphabet", which yesterday surpassed a whooping 5 MILLION views, and for which I provided the credits music. It's incredible to think how many people have been able to enjoy something I helped create, and I want to express my deepest thanks to everyone who's helped Fun Station 4 Kids achieve these crazy numbers, especially Anthony, our director, animator and TRex, and the awesome raptor voice team of Sheila and Evan! Thank you all :D If you aren't one or several of those few million views already (or even if you are ;D) feel free to check out the 2 videos below, and as always, feel free to share them around: In other news, Vlad from World Beyond has created another awesome unofficial game trailer for which I helped with the translation proof-reading for the voice-over. It's always nice to hear Vlad's poetry and awesome voice! You can check out the video montage / trailer below, and feel free to see/hear more from World Beyond on the project website. Finally, I made a nice bit of progress during the week on the new Better Than The Book Album, and there is now only 3.5ish songs (lyrically) left to write. I hope to get some more done this weekend too, so hopefully it'll be even less by the time I post next week. The current plan is to start recording instruments at the beginning of June regardless of the lyrical progress, so I should be well on target to finish this by the end of the year. More news as and when! Much excitement!
That's it for this week. The next 2 weekends are set to be jam packed so I hope to have the next two updates out on Friday 22nd and Thursday 28th. We shall have to see though! Until then, I hope you enjoy the videos and as always, thanks for supporting JabunAudio. See you on Friday!
It was one of those weeks where you question why it is that you do what you do, but last week was turbo great so I guess this is the world balancing itself out XD. Lets focus on the parts of this week worth telling! Here goes:
Firstly, "Soft and Crunchy", a 5 track electronic album I mastered for Slaglike at the end of April was released on Bandcamp at the beginning of the week. It's free to listen to and download, though you can make an optional donation if you wish through Bandcamp. Feel free to check it out below or click on the embed to go and listen to Slaglike's other works on Bandcamp. I hope you enjoy it :D The main bulk of this week was talking to prospective mastering clients and making mastering demos for people (mainly in the cinematic genre which was nice). I got a lot of questions about discounts so I've written a post on Newgrounds about my discounts policy as well as to clarify what mastering is and what it can and can't do for your music. Below is a brief but important section from the post: What mastering can and can't do: A little disclaimer: Mastering is not a magical fix-all service for your music ... Think of mastering as developing a photograph. I can't change what's in the photograph, where people are, whether they're wearing hats, what the background looks like, etc... because the picture has already been taken. What I will do is make sure the overall colours look right, it's not too bright or dark, and crop it to remove any unwanted or unnecessary parts, then format it for the frame you want to hang it in. That is essentially what I do as a mastering engineer. For information about discounts and the full post,click here. Please note all this information will be on the JabunAudio site once I've finished building the appropriate sections. Unfortunately, that's about it for this week. I made some progress with lyric writing for the new Better Than The Book album, but nothing worth noting here. Let's hope next week is more eventful in the right ways XD Thanks for supporting JabunAudio as always, and hope you have a good week.
Lots to tell since I left on Wednesday 20th! It's certainly been an exciting few days. Lets get started!
Firstly, and I guess somewhat off-topic but it has to be mentioned, as opposed to my usual away-for-a-few-days, this week away was for some awesomely arranged Birthday festivities! To start with, my brother and I went to the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" Midnight Premier at our local big cinema, which was spectacular! It was my first time going to a midnight premier and the atmosphere was intense! Fantastic film all around and a great addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's a dream of mine to one day be involved with the audio post-production of one of these films. Working towards it! The next few days I spent with my lovely girlfriend Eva, who organised some amazing presents for me. Below is the fruits of one of them. Over the past few months, Eva had been in contact with a few of the awesome people I've worked with as well as some people I haven't but I'm a huge fan of, and each of them drew an amazing picture for/of me :D Thank you soo much to Bob (Cyberdevil), Eamon (My Brother) who also helped organise some of it, Naniiebim, Sif (Hikarian), Anthony (FS4K), JoshNG, Jacob, David,Lars, and of course Eva ( I love you <3) for organising it all. You're all amazing!
Overall, I had a fantastic week and thank you soo much to everyone who helped make it as awesome as it was. I couldn't have asked for a better time! :D
Back onto our usual topic (sort of), Vlad from World Beyond buzzed me this week announcing that a piece we worked on together a while back "Combat" was featured in this awesome Russian video with off-road 4x4s! Vlad composed this masterpiece, while I'm just playing electric guitar. Combat is available for creative commons licencing and is free to download for your own listening pleasure too, so feel free to check it out here. Be sure to check out the 4x4s video below as well. There's some crazy awesome driving in it! Ухаб 2015 Пермь from aeroperm on Vimeo.
Next on the news, I finished mastering that electronic EP I mentioned last week, though it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to share any streaming links... I'll chase up and see if I can get anything. In the mean time, I'm on the search for new mastering clients so please help spread the word if you know anyone who might be interested. So far I've had some amazing feedback on my work and it looks like there's a fair amount of future work lined up, but I could always do with more :D I still need to update the MASTERING page too, but at least it's looking a little more presentable now :D
Next on the cards, I've made some good progress with the new Better Than The Book Album/EP in the past weeks! Over half of the lyrics/melodies are written now, and I've started drafting instrumental parts for the songs with finished lyrics! It's certainly shaping up! Also, after a lot more trouble than it should have been and a looooong time waiting (I'm honestly talking years!), I've FINALLY managed to get something sorted which I've been wanting to do since the first Better Than The Book EP! No spoilers as I want this to be a surprise, but I'm really looking forward to putting this into action. Lots to learn, but it'll totally be worth it! Stay tuned for more news :D I might even reveal some track titles soon ;P Finally in the main news for this week, after a rocky start and an even rockier middle and end, the Dinosaur Sharing Animation/Book by Fun Station 4 Kids unfortunately wasn't successfully funded on Kickstarter :C. It's certainly disappointing, but we're trying not to take it personally since our main audience are pre-schoolers XD Many thanks to all the people who lent their monetary support and helped spread the word throughout the duration of the campaign though. It means a great deal to myself and our team. With regards what will happen to all the work we've already put into it, I believe the current plan is still to finish the animation at some point, though it'll be placed on the back-burner until our animator is less busy. I can't give an ETA at the moment, though I'm sure we'll teach people the importance of sharing at some point in the near future :3 Before I sign off for the week, I just wanted to share an interesting (that's debatable...) observation I noticed this week. I've no idea how it happened, but somehow since the beginning of JabunAudio, we've lost the space between the words! Apparently it used to be "Jabun Audio", which just looks weird/wrong now... Oh well, for the official record the name of this business is (now) "JabunAudio", no space, because there is no space for filler! I'll shame myself now... That's everything this week. Next week will likely be more Better Than The Book and searching for more Mastering clients. Maybe some other stuff too! All the best for your weeks and as always, thanks for supporting JabunAudio. Take care. |
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