It's been a busy 2 weeks since the last update. Apologies for the lack of one last Friday and due to future events which I'll cover later in this post, there'll likely not be one next week either... Hopefully this one will more than make up for it though! Lots to say and share this time as I've some new music I'm super excited to show you, a belated BTTB Halloween giveaway in case you missed it last week + some important announcements from Better Than The Book as well as JabunAudio. Let's get started!
Firstly this week, I finally finished my composition for the A P O T H E O S I S game's Level 3! This has undoubtedly been one of my most epic and challenging productions to date featuring I think the largest track count I've ever worked with in Ableton, my signature distorted bass tone (back by popular demand) played live with my home-build & horrendously gritty bass fuzz, a virtually created pipe organ and harpsichord (the 2nd of which I worked with the company to create it a few years back) consisting over over 4000 manually collated samples between them, and finally fusing the genres of trance, rock, glitch electronic, ambient and of course a hefty dose of neoclassical/baroque! Nothing less would be sufficient to give life to the final level before fighting for a place among the gods (as the game's story says!). Anyway, hope you enjoy this piece, I'm super happy with the way it turned out, and although it'll be a while until the game gets updated to include this one, please go to check out and download the demo of A P O T H E O S I S, it's great fun and featured all the previous music so far. Happy gaming and get ready to fight some monsters! Next on the list for this week, some Better Than The Book news! Firstly I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone (and a little "Woo Hoo!") for helping BTTB reach 50 likes on Facebook and over 200 followers on Twitter! It means so much that people have lent there support and are more interactive than ever about the project and what it stands for! On top of that, in case you missed it last week due to the lack of blog post, Better Than The Book is giving away free downloads of "Undead Education" this weekend too. Just message them on Facebook or Twitter with your email and they'll drop a download link into your inbox! If you've yet to hear Undead Education, feel free to listen below, and a belated Happy Halloween to you all! As a final note from Better Than The Book for this post, earlier this week it was National Stress Awareness Day, and there's a post from the BTTB Facebook page I'd like to share. As a person who's suffered from stress myself as you will read below (as well as other mental illnesses), I think it's important not only to break down the stigmas associated with mental unwell but also CHALLENGE the conventions about it that seem hammered into us by the media, mainly the negative aura that surrounds topics such as stress. I hope this post makes you think a little differently about the subject, and will make a positive change in your thoughts and life. It's pretty long so I won't post it in full here, but thanks in advance for reading, and if any of you need someone to talk to about it feel free to buzz me. This isn't something you should face alone. Click here to read the full post: "Today is #NationalStressAwarenessDay..." Finally this week, I'm happy to announce that JabunAudio is moving! Again! So I'm sure you'd have read in some of the past updates about the problems I've had with the current place in Herne Bay, but we've now found a new place in Margate instead (just down the coast). JabunAudio will be stationed there for at least 6 months this time and due to the nature of the place, I'll hopefully be able to re-open a lot of the services I had to put on hold for a while, such as acoustic recording. We shall see and I'll keep you updated on any progress. The move is due to happen a week tomorrow, so the likelihood is that there won't be an update next week as everything will be packed away! In any case, I'll definitely miss Herne Bay and my current condensed set-up, but I sure won't miss the pigeons living in the walls, road noise, etc...! See you next time from JabunAudio Headquarters 2.1! That's it for this week and as stated above it'll likely be 2 weeks until the next update. What's in store while that's going on, you ask? Well now that the A P O T H E O S I S track is finished, I'm working now on a new collaboration with Cyberdevil (Bob Axell), which is very exciting! Should be finished by the end of the November, so keep your ears and eyes out for the announcements, I'll keep you all updated! Still working on the Jabun album too, when I've had the chance, but at the moment, it's taking a bit of a back seat. Anyways, I hope you all have a great 2 weeks and thanks as always for supporting JabunAudio and all my projects. See you from the new place and take care!
Audio sounding great as always! And good news about the move. Though hmm, Headquarters 2.1 you say? Not 3.0? Wonder when the next Headquarter relocation life-changing enough to merit a non-decimal rise may occur!
26/11/2016 19:57:37
Many thanks :D Hmmm I'm saying 2.1 because in Herne Bay I was just working on my mobile condensed set-up as opposed to the full system I have again now, but that was a big move location-wise so I called it 2.0. Herne Bay to Margate isn't that far, but I've got my full set-up here. I guess maybe Herne Bay should have been 1.5 and Margate 2.0? Anyways, probably best not to go overthink things XD For sure, the next move unless local will be a 3.0!
Ah, headquarter numbering according to studio setup functionality/completion, got it. :P Wonder if you'll ever catch up with FireFox's versioning numbers hmm, they seem to be getting out of control... though that's probably no challenge worth picking up voluntarily.
27/11/2016 11:52:16
Indeed, that's correct :D Hahah! No I sure hope not I don't have to move the set-up THAT many times XD I can't see myself getting into double pointed versions either... (eg: version 3.5.1), though I guess that could equate to getting more gear in the same location?
Haha, double pointed versions for gear changes does seem sensible! :D
28/11/2016 11:44:10
Hehe, I’m sure it’d get messy trying to keep up with all that though (not that I buy new gear that often XD).
A solid structure is key to staying clean and organized though! :P
28/11/2016 14:48:48
Hehe XD True dat (x2)! Indeed a proof read never hurts unless you're strapped for time :D No worries though XD
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